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Hey! Watch This.

David Rakoff, from "The Invisible Made Visible," a This American Life stage show streamed live to movie theaters around the country on May 10, 2012. He died a month later on August 9:

Look, mine is not a unique situation. Everybody loses ability — everybody loses ability as they age. If you're lucky, this happens over the course of a few decades. If you're not —

But the story is essentially the same. You go along the road as time and the elements lay waste to your luggage, scattering the contents into the bushes. Until there you are, standing with a battered and empty suitcase that frankly, no one wants to look at anymore. It's just the way it is. But how lovely those moments were, gone now except occasionally in dreams, when one could still turn to someone and promise them something truly worth their while, just by saying "Hey! Watch this."

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